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The label value can be similarly changed to ACT after double clicking on the text NewMember1 under the Label column An optional description of Actual can be added by double clicking in the Description column In the direct data entry method, new dimension members can be added by selecting New Sibling from the Actions menu Every time the New Sibling is selected from the Actions menu, a new member with Name and Label values of NewMemberx is added to the dimension The names and labels can then be modified by double clicking on the text, and entering the desired values For the purpose of the example in this chapter, another member with Name, Label, and Description values of Budget, BGT, and Budget respectively is added to the Scenario dimension The final Scenario dimension member list is shown in the bottom half of Figure 7-18 After all the dimension members are entered by the direct data entry method, the dimension can be saved or checked in Checking in will automatically save the dimension data to the PPS Planning system Load Members from Data Source The dimension member data can be loaded from a data source that has already been added to the Data Sources link on the left pane

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30 Mar 2016 ... UPDATE: It should be noted that version of iTextSharp I am using is strictly for ...In our View , we need a way to tell the server we want the PDF . pdf editor

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Building and maintaining a robot for competition is expensive Many builders admit to spending tens of thousands of dollars in pursuit of their robot dreams, and that s in addition to the hundreds or even thousands of hours of personal time they invest as well Indeed, Team Coolrobots Christian Carlberg finds that each robot requires him to learn a new skill One robot was parts intensive, so I learned the value of using a CNC milling machine to spit out parts Another robot had a lot of steel, so I learned to weld Robots are so time and money intensive that you might want or need a little help Following in the footsteps of sports like auto racing that meld technology, sheet metal, raw human skill, and intense competition, many robot builders have embraced sponsorships to help defray expenses Sponsors come in two flavors: part sponsors contribute free or highly discounted gear to builders, while financial sponsors deliver direct financial support that allows builders to buy parts and equipment, as well as travel and pay for other incidental expenses In return, sponsors get their name associated with the robot, which can be a valuable asset when it, or you, appears on television If you re interested in getting your own sponsor, many veteran builders caution that it takes effort; a professional, business-like approach; and, in many cases, an established track record with a completed robot Diesector builder Donald Hudson acknowledges that sponsorships are more difficult to land in today s competitive environment It s certainly tougher to get sponsors nowadays A few years ago maybe 40 percent of the robots would be shown on TV Today, if you have a brand-new robot, the chances of getting on TV are kind of rare Sponsors want their name to be seen, so it s like other racing it s a tough sell if you don t have any rankings yet Christian Carlberg says, Team Coolrobots is one of the best-funded teams in the competition, but it didn t happen overnight I first developed a reliable track record Then I put together a package of our accomplishments and made a strong argument why Company Blank should fund us in exchange for advertising space Then I searched out possible sponsors It takes a lot of time to find someone interested, and then it takes a lot of time to convince the company that it would get a lot of exposure on TV To begin with, you ll need to make contact with a company representative When dealing with a smaller or local business, you may find yourself talking directly to the owner or CEO At larger businesses, you ll probably talk to a marketing manager In general, larger companies will be more receptive Says Team Blendo s Jamie Hyneman, The larger the business the more likely they ll feel enticed by national TV coverage, and the more money they ll have. mvc generate pdf

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2 Aug 2017 ... In this article you will learn how to create a PDF file and download it using ASP.NET MVC .... This is a tip for creating PDF using ItextSharp and downloading the PDF file using ASP.NET MVC .... First what records I am going to show into the pdf file? core return pdf

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Figure 7-18 The direct entry of dimension data is feasible for small dimensions with fairly static data

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30 Sep 2018 ... This article shows how to create PDF files in ASP . NET ... NET Core application,MVC or Razor Pages as preferred, and add a reference to the ...

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Create ( Generate ) PDF file and Download in ASP . Net MVC
24 May 2017 ... In this article I will explain with an example, how to create ( generate ) PDF fileusing iTextSharp and then download it in ASP . Net MVC Razor.
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